At the most basic level, followers of Jesus at Bethel do what He did: loving people, giving them respect and honor, showing hospitality, and being helpful to needs of people.
God’s Word tells us: Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. It also says: rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Often our caring as a church centers of significant life event that have a faith connection: baptism, marriage, hospitalization, death, crises.
We celebrate the sacrament of Baptism and see it as a way to be connected to the family of God. We baptize people of all ages. Contact us if you would like more information.
We perform Christian marriages at Bethel. Arrange to speak to one of our pastors.
Contact us to arrange for prayer and/or visitation during your time of hospitalization.
Contact the church in case of death in the family. We perform both memorial services and funerals as well as graveside services.
In times of crisis, we would like to walk beside you, and invite you to contact us as needed.
Prayer: We are a community that prays. Send us your requests and we will pray.