We are committed to serve and to positively impact our community and beyond with the love of Christ.
We feel that sharing this love and serving others is not just doing activities that followers of Jesus engage in, but a fundamental part of who we are. Currently we are engaged in the following missional activities.
Academy 4
We have partnered with the Academy 4 organization to mentor fourth graders in our neighborhood.
Academy 4 provides a mentor for EVERY 4th grader at the nearby Personalized Learning Academy at Highland Meadows. Volunteers serve together once a month for 90 minutes and mentor the 4th graders in leadership. They express love and care and provide the students with a positive relationship with a dependable adult.
Highland Meadows Elementary
We have been blessed with a Dallas ISD Elementary School in our very back yard.
Our service to Highland Meadows includes providing mentors for at risk students, parenting classes, feeding the teachers and more.
White Rock Center of Hope
The White Rock Center of Hope is a partnership of several churches and other organizations in East Dallas.
Their focus is serving those experiencing challenges by providing food, clothing and financial assistance. Bethel gathers food and clothing for the WRCH along with contributing financially. We also provide many hours of volunteer work.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of Bethel does a variety of services to Bethel and beyond.
Quilts and Mat Bag Making, Supplies for Teachers, Project Stamporee, Lutheran World Relief, Braille Bibles, Altar Care, Baptism Banners, Meals at Funerals and much more.
New to our Country
East Dallas is the arrival destination for many families new to North Texas and even the United States. This includes many refugees who were displaced from their countries to start new lives here in Dallas.
Bethel is currently working with groups from East Africa and Latin America.
Hope for the Homeless
We know that there is a growing number of homeless population in our community.
We are are actively responding to this by making and distributing sandwiches, gift bags and bag mats; which are made from recycling plastic grocery bags.

Are you a member of Thrivent? Follow the link to apply for a Thrivent action team grant to help the community, at church or in your neighborhood.
Mission Trips
Bethel provides ongoing opportunities for people to serve on the mission fields both domestically and beyond.
Recently the youth of Bethel have served in Hugo, OK, Kansas City and St Louis. Bethel has also sent adult teams to Peru and Belize in recent years.
Bethel partners with the Belize Lutheran Mission Society to share the love of Christ to families and children who live in some of the villages of Seine Bight and Punta Gorda on the Placencia Peninsula one of the poorest parts of the country.
Gail and Joel Winningham are very active in Belize and lead a Bethel Mission trip there every October. We are excited about increasing our partnership with the Belize Lutheran Mission Society.